Introducing robust infection control procedures are undoubtedly the most import way to prevent cross contamination. Addressing infection control issues and introducing infection control measures is vital in all care homes, businesses and public areas as well as healthcare settings.

The top five infection control methods include (but are not limited to) the following:

1. Hand Washing

Hand Washing is often cited as the primary weapon in the infection control war. The importance of good hand hygiene should be emphasised in care homes and healthcare settings, as well as in all public areas. Hand-washing falls into three main categories: Social, hygienic and surgical. Social hand washing remains the cornerstone of the control process. It should last at least 30 seconds with soap and warm water. As an alternative to washing, alcohol or gel foam can be used on visibly clean hands.

2. Face Masks & Protective Clothing

The use of protective clothing is an essential element of infection prevention and control. The following equipment/supplies should be adequately available in all health-care settings and care homes:

3. Catch it, bin it, kill it

In order to help stop the spread of the cold and flu virus, you should always:

Catch your germs in a tissue by covering your nose and mouth with one when you cough or sneeze.

Bin the tissue as soon as possible afterwards.

Kill any residual germs by washing your hands straight away.

4. Don’t Touch!

Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people nearby.

Did you know, it’s is more common for people to become infected with the flu virus by touching their own mouth, eyes or nose, than by touching a surface or object that has the flu virus on it? Minimise the risk of both with regular hand-washing and reducing the amount of times you touch your face.

5. Use Disposable Gloves

The use of gloves is appropriate for situations when contact with body fluids is anticipated, or when patients are to be managed with contact precautions. However, gloves should not be used as a substitute for basic hand hygiene procedures taking place.

A variety of gloves should be made available in healthcare settings, including: Nitrile, Latex (sterile and non-sterile), vinyl and polythene.